Monday, May 3, 2010

New Topic for Wednesday May 5, 2010

While reading Bones, keep track of the characters. What are their traits? Who are the survivors and who will perish? Who is really running Mr. Hampton's home, and now that we've met Eulinda, what do you think it would be like to be lost in two worlds?

You may choose to comment on the setting of the Pond Bluff Plantation...Do you think the slaves had such luxurious housing? Does this planation home seem similar to what we've read about?


  1. I don't think the slaves had it as easy as it may seem they did. It seems similar in some ways to some things we read but some ways its different.

    -6 :}

  2. Zeke is the little brother & very joyful. There is SO many characters. Eulinda is a slave & so is almost everyone else. I think it would be hard to be lost in two worlds, let alone 2 worlds. I think the slaves don't have a luxurious housing, but for slaves i think it sounds pretty swell. No, the plantation home does not seem like a house that we have seen before, but I'm sure in some kind of those book we read or something that the house is alike.

  3. The characters in the story are sneaky, when Mr. hampton isn't around, Miz Gurtrude is mean. I think Miz Gurtrude is running the house. I think Eulinda is lost in two wolds, because she is half black and half white. number 5

  4. 22. Miz Gertrude was mean to the slaves when Mr. Hampton was not around. So one day when he left Eulinda's mom went into the house and slobbered on Miz Gertrude when she had cholera, a couple of days later she died. Before Miz Gertrude died she pretty much ran the house when Mr. Hampton was not around. Eulinda is lost in two worlds because she is a slave living in the plantation home, but her dad is the plantation owner. She is half white and Miz Gertrude always calls her bright yellow because of her skin color. She is confused about how she is growing up.

  5. I think before Miz Gertrude passed away, she thought of herself as the "runner" of Mr. Hampton's house. But really I don't think she was because every mean thing she did to Eulinda, she wouldn't do in front of Mr.Hampton meaning she really isn't brave and just acts like it.

    I think when compared to other slaves the majority of the slaves on this plantation had luxurious housing.

    The plantation home in the picture looks similar to what a house would look like at the time but I don't think it is similar to the house described in the book.


  6. I think that the slaves are treated well when Mr. Hampton is around but when he is gone they are treated very bad because Gertrude is a a jerk and she is very mean to african americans. and Eulinda is treated well by Mr. Hampton because he is her daddy.
    Number 25

  7. 15: Miz Gertrude was mean to everybody when the owner wasn't at the plantation. She died from cholera. Miz Gertrude is the person running Mr. Hampton's home. She bosses everyone around. I think it would be difficult to be lost in two worlds. Eulinda is half white and half african american working as a slave on a big plantation. Miz Gertrude calls her bright yellow because of her light skin color. Neddy tells her that she has a different daddy than him. Mr. Hampton is Eulinda's real dad and he treats Eulinda well. I don't think that slaves had luxurious houses unless they lived in the plantation house with the owner.

  8. I think that the setting of the Pond Bluff Plantation is more luxurious then what we learned about in Social Studies. Eulinda's slave life is more easier than the slaves we usually read about. 33

  9. I Don't really believe that the slaves were treated very well. They didn't have the best of housing or anywhere even those who lived in the big house or plantation houses. Those who did live in the plantation houses were not always treated with the most repect and were alot of the times very mistreated.
    number 414158

  10. There traits are that so of of them are mean and they are treated just like slaves.
    number 34

  11. i don't know why the one helper lady is mean to the little girl and i think her mom did the right thing on killin that one lady and givein her colera and all the stuff.#55

  12. Some of the characters in this book are Mal. He ran away but then came back. Sancho ran away from the war and has curly hair. Another character is Netti who is tall, an older brother, and sent Eulinda a ring. If i were in Eulinda's situation, I think it would be hard to to be a slave.
    Number 101

  13. Some characters of numbering the bones are:
    Mal-ran away but came back
    Mr.Hampton- owner of the plantation
    Sancho- ran away with mal but came back
    Zeek- acussed of stealing a ruby ring and was sold away
    Netty- ran away and went to war
    Ms.Gutruth-killed by chloria but none one knows that mama killed her
    0dis-dog smells
    mama- killed by chloria and killed ms.gurtruth

    i think it would be bad to be trapped in two different worlds.

    The slaves did not have good housing according to what the book says and what i learned in social studies. This plantation is probaly similiar to the plantations in roots.

  14. the main character of this story is Eulinda number 777

  15. In chapter one and two we met many characters. We also learned more about what the story with the ring is. Zeik who is the little brother found the ring and then was accused of stealing it. he was later sold.

  16. Netti was handsome, tall, and sent the ring to Eulinda. Sancho ran from the war and has curly hair. Mal ran from the war and is pregnant.

  17. chapter one and to were about when Eulinda introducing all the characters and what role they play n the story, for example Netti is her brother who sent the ring to her and is now in the war. And Zeik who is her little brother who found Ms. Gertrude's ring and was acused of stealing it and for that he was later sold. in the end of chapter two Eulinda was out checking traps when she heard voices and went ot investigate. She saw yankee soldiers and one of them asked her if she had a pass.

  18. The person that really is running Mr. Hampton's home is his wife. We know she is running the place because she is home often and Mr. Hampton is away a lot.


  19. I think that the slaves that live on the plantation are very lucky to have the luxuries that not many slaves get at all. Eulinda is able to stay in the home with her plantation owner/father. That is maybe a good explanation of why she is treated different among the other slaves. Putting into account that she is the daughter of the plantation owner. I think that probably the other slaves on the plantation are jealous that she gets to be in the home more often then them, & she gets to eat dinner with the household. I know one reason that she is treated like an equal in the house is because her brother is always away, & her father gets lonely. So there is Eulinda there to stay with her father to reassure him.


  20. I feel that the slaves a treated ok and Eulinda is treated well because she is his daughter. I think that the slaves are treated like the better slaves of teh south and there houses are nice and they get the good food but this was after the wife died because when Mr. Hampton treats teh slaves nice and she treated them like a jerk.:)

  21. i think the slaves were treated well when Mr. Hampton was around but when he is gone gertude treats them badly. i think what we've read about is worse than Eulinda's slave life.

    2 Two

  22. Well, as far as the characters go, Eulinda is most certainly the "main" one. Being half black and half white, she IS caught in two worlds. With the disadvantage of not being completely trusted by either the slaves, or the whites, she has very few real friends.
    Mistess is Mr. Hamptons wife, and she is running the household more now, with everything in her name, she practicly owns the place.
    Mr. Hampton is Eulinda's dad, but he is also her master. He is good to her, and even though Mistiss is practicly EVIL, he manages to help make her life much easier.
    Sadly, it seems like Mr. Hampton is too sick, and too weak to help protect the plantation.
    It seems like he won't make it, and like unless there is a plot twist (chances are, there will be) then Mistiss with ruin the plantation. Eulinda's brother Neddie seems like a good man, but he also seems to be moderately...selfish? His unwillingness to come back to the plantation with her makes me feel like he is slightly less devoted to her than she may hope. Although admittedly, because of the fact that they have two different fathers, it makes sense.

  23. I think that Mr. Hampton's wife has more control over the plantation than Mr. Hampton himself. Deep down he may be scared to stand up for himself in front of her because her personality is so strong. The setting reminds me of the house in the Notebook that Allie lives in. In real life there are actual slave cabins on the site but were not visible in the movie.

    Number 0

  24. Well Neddy is definitely dead. So is Julian or Mr. Hampton's son...Eulinda will be lucky to get out alive because mistus is crazy. I think one of the slaves will die too because sad stuff makes people read more. Maybe the plantation will burn down or I think Mull the slave will have her baby killed or something tragic.
