Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What's the deal with the Twilight series?

There seems to be some misconception that these are girl books. Let me tell you I have just as many guys testing on them as girls. But what is the attraction to them? What makes S. Meyers such an amazing author? I'm interested in your feedback.


  1. Well, these books are just so good. They draw you in. Like once you start reading, you just cannot stop. She's a good author because she is able to make a book out of her dreams.

  2. idk why everyone likes them so much, but i liked them because of how fast-paced they are. Theyre not stupid romance novels (although there is some romance), theres a lot more to them. Once i started reading them i couldnt stop

  3. i think these books are great! and honestly, for all those people who refuse to read them, don't judge a book by its cover?? most people who haven't read these interestingly fun books probably think that its about vampires and garlic and coffins and stuff. or that its some mushy love story. the thing is, its not corny like a lot of vampire related things are. this has a very creative influence of opinion on vampires and it involves a lot of action and suspense as well as romance. at first, i didn't pay attention to these books, but once i read the first, i was hooked. its fun, entertaining, mysterious, filled with action, and is DEFINITELY NOT GIRLY. i know plenty of guys that like them just as much as girls.

  4. I think that all people like to read her books because there's a little bit of everything-action, romance, adventure, drama. The twilight books have it all! No wonder so many different people are reading them. Including guys!

  5. I tried one of these books and i couldn't finish it i think it's a girl thing.

  6. I love these books! They are the best books I have ever read, and I am so glad my friend suggested that I read Twilight because after I read it I was hooked and read the entire series in less than a month. They were so good.

  7. these books are so good they have changed my life so much. i never read books before. i never liked to read, but now i love to read.


  8. I read this book in 6th grade. But I can remember it so well. I think people like this book so well because it has a little of everything to it. I know a lot of people who have read it, but some of them are guys. This book is action filled, so its totally not a girly book. I remember reading this book, once i started reading this book I just couldn't stop. It's such a good book. I really suggest reading it. You'll love it:)


  9. I love these books. These books changed my life so much. Before I didn't want to read but now i do. I thought these series were going to be real boring but, i read the first couple of pages out of Twilight and I thought this was the best book ever. But in then I like readin these books. And its not just girl books its guy books too. It took me about a week to read these books. I gotta say she the best author in the world!!!


  10. I love these books! At first I didn't pay attention to these books because I thought they would be dumb, they are long, and I HATE reading, so I didn't even bother to pick one up, but after I read the 1st I just wanted to keep reading it. And now I'm waiting for New Moon to come back to the library so I can read it.

  11. I thought overall that it was a good book. But if you aren't in to the whole lovey dovey thing then I suggest that you don't read. For me it took a lot of time to read it. I personally think that it was way too girly. But that is just me. It isn't very realistic either. I had trouble relating to it because i don't have a vampire boyfriend or a vampire chasing after me and my family.

  12. i honestly never heard of twilight till the movie came out and once i heard about the movie i thought that it was just going to be the dumbest thing in the world. But then one day at my gmas i was bored and we popped in twilight and i ended up LOVING the movie. And sense i love the movie so much i want to read the books but they are just SOOOOOO LOOOOOOOOONNNNGGG

  13. There's a bit of everything in it, basically. I hope she'll publish Midnight Sun, though it would be an interesting twist to what Edward thinks. I don't like how low the level it though. The books are awesome =)


  14. I loved this series when I first read them. I haven't reread any of them yet, but I think I will reread New Moon sometime soon. It's crazy how a movie based on a book can change your views so much. After the movie came out girls went crazy for Edward and Jacob. I was disgusted with the books for a while because of how people thought of the movie and how many times they went to see it! I'm starting to soften up to it and I want to see New Moon like everyone else, but I still can't believe how big a deal it was to some people!

    ajs 3-4

  15. I think its a girl book

    -Andrew Marks

  16. I think that this whole twilight thing is so girly i think they are overrated but thats just me.


  17. why do people get obsessed with

  18. I think the reason why people love these books so much is that it shows the journey that Bella and Edward take to stay together. It also isn't just about vampires, coffins, and blood. Even though it does have that in it. I think people just like seeing how far Edward and Bella's love will go.

  19. Okay, to start off I've read atleast 15 other vampire series(To name a few: Night World, Vampire Kisses, Vladimir Tod Chronicles, Peeps) So coming from a girl who's gone outside of the Twilight "clan" I must say Twilight is not the only vampire book that is good. I read Twilight. The entire series in fact, and they were good. But they were not fantastic. I think they portrayed the girl heroin (Bella)...well unlike most girls. In New Moon she purposefully puts herself in danger just to see a memory of Edward. Sure she must want to see her boyfriend again...but it doesn't portray girls the way I think it should. She puts herself in danger for a BOY. (Sorry guys:P) but I don't think it sends out the best message for girls. I'm not being pessimistic, I liked the books, But there are better vampire books out there. If you like vampires without the love Vladimir Tod is a really good series to read. He does like a girl but most of the book is about him not them. If you do like lovey vampire books Vampire Kisses is really fantastic (and a short read!) All in all, Twilight is a good series but I just don't see why everyone are becoming Twihards.

  20. I read only the first, Twilight. It wasn't what everyone was saying it was. But I thought it was okay. I liked how fast the tempo was. But it is kinda annoying how EVERYONE just LOOOOOOVESSSS it. I went & saw the movie with my friend, but i saw the movie first; which i heard you shouldn't do? Oh well. I did, and it didn't really matter to me. But me personally I wouldn't recommend it to many people.

  21. I myself have never read these series, but I would like to give them a try. All of my friends say that they are really good. I have only seen the first movie, Twilight. I think that nobody should judge them by their cover. They are for boys and girls, in my opinion.

  22. the deal with everybody liking the twilight series is that it has everything that girls and guys like is that it has all sorts of genres. It has also has a lot of action. For the girls it has love and romance. It is a great book that everyone likes.So if one of these is your genre then you should read these books.

  23. Twilight is NOT JUST A GIRL SERIES!!!!! Think about it... THERES A LOT OF ACTION!!!!!!! It's not all romance like a lot of people say. yea sure there's some romance but getting to the action is worth it. So seriously quit dissin twilight and give it a try!!!

  24. i my self have read the whole twilight saga like 100 times. i love these books so much. I could not put these books down. this was a type of book that you rad one time and then you read the rest in that series and you don't to put them down. Then once there over you are like what the heck am i going to do now i have read them all and no other book compares to is. this book has attacked more than just kids our age it has caught the interest many moms and grandmas. These books aren't loved just because of the vampires and i am not sure that's why every body is so obsessed with them. i think a lot of people love the books because it is a forbidden love that makes tons of girls want to have. They fantasize over fantasy's that are real(or not yet proven to be real). The girls that are so obsessed with them are usually unknowingly falling in love with the books because they are falling in love with the "Edward" they wish they had. Or for the team jacob people reading this they are falling in love for a love that they want but cant get they are wanting their own"jacob". So for all the people are saying why are you guys so obsessed with vampires and were wolfs it not only that it is the connection Stephine Meyer gives all her characters that makes young and old reader thrive for that forbidden love and drama. So for those people who refuse to read it you better give me a better than just because or i don't want to be like all those other twihearters out there because these are great books, and we should all give thing a consideration and not judge it by the readers or by the cover give it a CHANCE! This go"s for any other book give it a chance before you say no.


  25. Six Words....

    Sorry Girls, They aren't real.
