Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hunger Games and Catching Fire...

A female hero, an incredible story line, an addiction among my 8th graders, 2 stolen books. It's so hard to keep these two books in the classroom that I haven't gotten to read either one yet! I'll let the experts fill you in:


  1. This is a great book. I recommend this book to everybody all ages except for younger kids because they might not understand it. Also catching fire is the 2 book in the series. If you like action adventure books this is for you. Also their is romance in this book. THis is one of the best books I ever read. Trust me if you read this book you will like it. There is a long wait on this this book so get it on hold as soon as you can or it will be gone. Other people also said this is a great book because it has every type of genre. This is for anybody boys and girls. Read this book! It is about this one girl named katniss! What she does can kill everbody she loves! Every decision counts. You will not be able to put this book down.


  2. I read both of the books, they are truly the best books i have ever read, and that's saying a lot compared to all the books I have read. You get really into these books like they are actually happening. Once you read the last line you all of a sudden realize "Hey, that was only a book." it's sad whenever you finish it because you just want more and more of it.

  3. The series is awesome. there's a lot of action. but there really needs to be a sequel to Catching Fire because its a total cliffhanger. So Suzanne Collins if your reading all of this please write a sequel please.
