Thursday, November 19, 2009

I Heart You, You Haunt Me

While this novella is worth only 2 AR points, it's been flying off the shelves. What is it about heartbreak that we connect to so much? Why is this book in such high demand? I personally love it...but why does YOUR generation feel the same way?


  1. it is a book about a girl who loses her bf and now he is haunting her . whats not to love about it

  2. I love this book, its so good. all girls would love it.

  3. I needed maybe two more AR points and jumped on this book as soon as it came into the classroom. I read it in under 30 minutes and took the AR test next day and passed it. It's a very good book and a fast read and anyone that likes romance will enjoy it.

  4. I'm so glad your class likes my book, Ms. Lalk!

    If you would like some signed bookmarks, please send me a note through my web site with your address and I'll drop a bunch in the mail to you.

    Happy reading!!

  5. I have always wonderd what brought so many young readers to this book of sadnes, and heart throbs. But then it clicked this book is loved by so many of our eigth graders because we all go throught that horrible empty feeling in our chest when we lose something close to us. Just like Ava and the horrible death of her boyfriend . This replicas so many of our lifes now adays with the bad economy. We also find this book enloyable because we all know what it feels like to lose something so we can relate to Ava the main charater in this book. So far, what i told you is my truth of this book is loved by many. So how about you pick it up and give it a try then tell me if yoou agree with me. You tell me if you think the truth to this book is the same to every one.


  6. ~E.B.G.
    you aked the question "what makes us want to read a book with so much heart break?"well i think i have an answer. We read them because it relates to every day life from life to death and love, and hatred. This book is one of the many books we read to give us that emotional felling inside that is some times missing. It gives us that abillity to relate to a book with out having bordom following it. It is a wonderful book and i recomend it to any body boy or girl. This is the book we teens are craving.

  7. I read this book in 2 hours, and that's just cause I'm a slow reader. It's a really good motivater to move on from things past, but in a gentle, kind way. It was great.
