Thursday, November 19, 2009

Speak--to read or not to read?

Speak is controversial. Speak is thought provoking. Speak is worth your time, has been made into a movie, (don't try it the 2 are nothing alike AR wise). Speak should really only be read by mature readers, but I suggest re-reading it when you get to high school for elements you may have missed. Different phases of our lives harbor different understandings of events...this book will mean different things to you as you have more life experiences. I would make sure it's okay to read (mom, dad, guardian), then do as you wish. It is a popular book with a very important message.


  1. People don't think kids our age can relate to this, but if we watch the news we can connect it to the world really easy, and if we haven't had a perfect life we can connect to ourself if we can face it

  2. I did not like this book at all. There was really no plot and not much happened.
