Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tell Me What You Thought About...

Anyone in the 8th grade can comment on this one! Tell me what your favorite part of the Shadow Club was! Who did you relate to? Do schools really have bullies like that?


  1. This book is pretty good but takes a while to get going but Ms.Lalk reads it to us


  2. The name doesn't sound really good. But it really catches your attention and wants you to keep reading. It was really fun to read in class!

  3. this is a good book . It is a god life lesson for teens. I would recomend it.

  4. this is a good book i would recommend it to any teen and it is a good life lesson and a easy read.

  5. someone that was hereNovember 19, 2009 at 5:29 AM

    i absolutely loved this book. it was a great book. and i think you guys should check it out... i think you guys would really like it.

  6. i loved this book. it was a really good book. once you started reading it i never wanted you to stop...

  7. i really like this book but its kinda a book for my mom because she likes this kinda book and others that have to do with crimes

  8. Like Logan said the name doesn't sound interesting. But the book is a really good mystery book and it keeps you guessing.I loved the book i recommend it to anyone who likes mysteries.

  9. To be honest, I didn't like this book at all. Some parts of it were exciting but in others I felt like curling up and taking a nap. It didn't make me want to stay awake, but the AR test was easy.

  10. this is a pretty good book.It has the genre of mystery because there are a lot of secrets the people have. it also has the text to world because this is what people go through every day. I recommend this book to anyone who likes a mystery and a easy to read book.

  11. Slow at the start then it picks up and turns into a good book. I would not recommend this book because the slow start isn't made up for in the end.

  12. 'The Shadow Club' really keeps you on your toes. Though, I don't think I would have read it if not for this class.

  13. this book was not a good book. It was to kiddish if you ask me. but then agin the truth isnt the same for every one so for others it could be really good. But dont just take my word alot of my freinds who have read t loved it. But truthfully to the reason why i did not like it was because this felt like something that would never happen but if you like that sort of thing that couldnt reall happen this book is fo you.

  14. This book is a great book. We can really relate to it because it has to deal with kids who cant find their way in life. It is also about the struggles of people who are second best. It may not sound,or look, that interesting. This is a book you cant say if it is good or bad because it lies to you. Trufully i thought it looked boring, and stupid, but then we read it. It was an amazing book. This is a book that will leave you on the edge of your seat untill you are done. This book also teaches you a leason. It teaches you that you should not acy as if you are better than any one because we are all equal. Also if we did this we could have ond bad accident and it can lead to another just like this book. If we all could just be nice to one another than we wouldnt have to worry about anthing that happened in The Shadow Club. But that will never happen. We will always have problems, and nothing will be perfect so thats what makes this book can actually happen.That is why i have to disagree with the anonomus person. This is because it could happen. Just because it never happend to you of wont happen to you doesnt mean it cant happen. So i stand by my point that this is a great book , and can actually happen, but it may not happen to every body. Also it has a great leasson to it. Its not just another story, and you do have to dig deep.


  15. "Shadow Club" There is a lot to say about this book. You either love it or hate it. I think it is a really good book, it keeps you on your toes and you never want to stop reading it. Although it doesn't seem like this would happen in real life it is good sometimes to get away from real life things and just read. It was a great cliff hanger and every time Ms. Lalk stopped reading for the day I was always mad. I would recommend it for anyone, it is a great boy/girl book!
