Thursday, November 19, 2009

Zach's Lie

This book was recommended today. I don't have much background knowledge about it, but involves the witness protection program, suspense, and secrets...very popular among readers in my classes. Thank you Korey for the recommendation. Oh, and did I mention it's by Roland Smith???!!!

1 comment:

  1. i can't believe how many genres he writes. I feel like we should have read a book like this instead of Cryptid Hunters, because more people could have liked it, and teenagers can connect their self to this and not really so much to animals growing extinct. I thought it was cool to look at the books that weren't chosen for Roland, and for Gordan Korman because all of those book reviews were better them with other genres they wrote. Like no one except the really smart kids got to have lunch with him, and they learned all about how he wrote Schooled, and mystery, and suspense, and stuff that was funny (comedy I guess) like Swindle. Why can't we read books in that event that we would make connections to? When w're this young we don't connect to that much history and the future, just now.
