Monday, November 23, 2009


I read The Angel of Death first, and quickly picked up The Christopher Killers and The Circle of Blood, and unfortunately there are no more yet!!! Right now, so many students are into forensics, science, criminal intent, (just look at all of the t.v. shows in your time slots before bed, after school, etc. It is really interesting to me to see the connection between the teens today and the struggles they go through emotionally, on top of her creepy afterschool job as an assistant coroner!

This is AMAZING!!!

I knew the Talawanda district was reading this, but did you know authors are now stopping by? Lisa Schroeder has written on our blog! The author of I Heart You, You Haunt Me has offered her website address, and volunteered signed bookmarks for her fans! I am simply over the moon about this response!!! Thank you!!!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hunger Games and Catching Fire...

A female hero, an incredible story line, an addiction among my 8th graders, 2 stolen books. It's so hard to keep these two books in the classroom that I haven't gotten to read either one yet! I'll let the experts fill you in:

Speak--to read or not to read?

Speak is controversial. Speak is thought provoking. Speak is worth your time, has been made into a movie, (don't try it the 2 are nothing alike AR wise). Speak should really only be read by mature readers, but I suggest re-reading it when you get to high school for elements you may have missed. Different phases of our lives harbor different understandings of events...this book will mean different things to you as you have more life experiences. I would make sure it's okay to read (mom, dad, guardian), then do as you wish. It is a popular book with a very important message.

Karen & Olivia Make Us Go Hmmm....

Check out this website Olivia and Karen found to facilitate their book talks tomorrow! I can't reveal which book they read yet, but this author has a grrreat site that should help you find lots of interesting information on what an author's life is like, the books she's written, and her motivation!

What Happened to Cass McBride?

Another of the most checked out books in class, What Happened to Cass McBride was suggested by Amanda. Just like me, she couldn't put the book down. It's a quick read, suspenseful, and a race to the finish as the reader is forced to struggle with the idea that maybe the protagonist isn't as much of a hero as we thought they were...does Cass deserve what she may be getting, or is she the true antagonist here?

Zach's Lie

This book was recommended today. I don't have much background knowledge about it, but involves the witness protection program, suspense, and secrets...very popular among readers in my classes. Thank you Korey for the recommendation. Oh, and did I mention it's by Roland Smith???!!!


I swore I'd never read this book, and I didn't, until five years ago did not touch it. Then a student asked me to read it with him because he felt he could relate to it, but didn't know all of the words in the book. We read it together, cried together, and I began to understand why this book is so popular. It takes readers into the life of someone--someone I hope none of my readers have shared experiences with, and compels the reader to keep going, wondering, wishing, hoping for help for this child, Dave Pelzer. This book has always been checked out. Read it and see why it spent five years on the bestseller list.

The Juvie Three

This book is another favorite by Gordan Korman. Have you noticed that this man has no set writing genre, style, or topic he seems stuck to? I love that he can write such exciting stories both boys and girls can relate to, and he does it so well. How do you think he's become such an engaging author, but on so many topics? Does his writing remind you at all of another writer, Walter Dean Myers? Just wondering...

Cut by Patricia McCormick

This seems to have been a favorite since the book came out. It's a pretty heavy read though, and deals with teen issues that aren't normally addressed in the classroom. What are your thoughts? Do you think this book can be helpful to others, or is it just an interesting read?

I Am the Messenger, by Marcus Zusak

This book was recommended by Hannah, and I don't have much background knowledge about it. What about the book are my readers enjoying? Fill me in! How are you making connections to it (self, world, text)? What makes this book a compelling read?

I Heart You, You Haunt Me

While this novella is worth only 2 AR points, it's been flying off the shelves. What is it about heartbreak that we connect to so much? Why is this book in such high demand? I personally love it...but why does YOUR generation feel the same way?

A Troubled Peace by L. M. Elliott

One of the most requested books at the recent book fair was A Troubled Peace. Right now it's in high demand, so if you have it, hurry up! Check out Under a War Torn Sky, the prequel to this book as well! I really appreciate that this book is so popular, as it involves history, has an intimidating page length, and reveals secrets of a war our generation has not experienced. Thank you for giving it a chance!

For background information, or schema regarding some of the events in this book, specifically D-Day, you may refer to the website below, thanks to Dalton Hatfield for the information!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

TRAVEL TEAM--I get it already!!!

Why can't we get Lupica to come to our school to speak!!!? I know, money. But I have to say, the man's a genius--he took an era of boys without anything interesting to read, (or so they complained:) and made them passionate about reading again. Even Lupica's other books such as The Red Zone, which they can't test on, is always checked out. What is it about this author that boys and girls are drawn to? What does he offer that others don't?

13 Reasons Why...

I could probably give you 13 reasons why this is the most demanded and gripping book being passed around right now! Let me know what you think. Is the story age appropriate? Is this REAL life for teenagers? Does this happen in schools like ours? I found this great website by Jay Asher, the author of 13 Reasons...very interesting...

Tell Me What You Thought About...

Anyone in the 8th grade can comment on this one! Tell me what your favorite part of the Shadow Club was! Who did you relate to? Do schools really have bullies like that?

Alright Already!

Here are some of the new books you've requested be shown on the site! I'm just so happy you're reading!

This is a new favorite for almost everyone who's read it. It's by Roland Smith, who visited Talawanda Middle School earlier this fall, and I know there was much anticipation for the AR test...I was really pleased to see so many people reading it who knew there wasn't an AR test. It showed how much reading really does mean. What do you think about Tentacles? Let us know!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The class book we're reading is Diary of Anne Frank to further our schema of history, (thank you to Mr. Brinck:), and to analyze this character, setting, and time period--while practicing nonfiction reading skills. So far, so good...


Welcome to Ms. Lalk's Book Talks, where you decide what books you want to share with other readers. Keep it appropriate, relate the text to self, world, and other texts if you can, but more importantly, have fun with this site, and start recommending books to both me and your classmates! Keep reading, Jl

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Secrets of my Hollywood Life

Okay, so I'll admit I bought this for students in my classroom b/c it was sooooo pretty AND it was suggested for fans of Meg Cabot's books, or Ann Brashareare's Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. I wasn't sure if it was as negative as the 'Clique' books, but I knew it couldn't be any worse. The good news is, they're gobbling it up, BUT it does border on self centered teen affliction, OMG era we seem to be stuck in right now. My question is this, Is it better to get kids to read, or is it better that they read this?

Magic Tree House Books We All Remember the Memories

Whether you're old or young you love Magic Tree House books. Our favorite characters are Annie and Jack. They have adventures in every book in the series. Mariah's favorite is when it is Christmas time at Magic Tree House and Annie and Jack got frozen! They were unfrozen in time for a great Christmas!

Numbering All the Bones

Okay, I know you're not loving this at first, but you're going to make some major connections here. These connections aren't going to be pretty, in fact, some you'll find shocking and hurtful, but if you're studying the horrors of the Civil War, this book is an essential read. I love that we'll be reading it together, as we can make so many connections from life, text, world, and sadly, after our trip to the museum, you will truly understand why we've read this. I hope you give it a chance...but what are you feeling right now? Remember this would be historical fiction, it is AR, and it is worth 5 points, and a 4.2 level, (not that you would care, because you'll love this book)...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

And Speaking of Walter Dean Myers...

Did you know he was the leader of writing about urban youth? He also wrote one of many biographies about Muhammad Ali that I cherish. I've seen a lot of you with Slam, Monster, and Fallen, tell me what you think? He recently came out of retirement to write Sunrise of Fallujah, which I have if you're interested...The man is a legend.

The Bluford Series

Apparently these books are awesome...reminiscent of Walter Dean Myers' look at urban life through literature, young readers are eating these books up. What has been your experience with the series? One student just wrote the author/publisher and received a poster and their newest book to be released. Do you think their subject matter is appropriate for teens here? What are your thoughts?

What About You?

What books or series would you like to see on this blog? It doesn't have to be AR, just literature to get young folks blogging. Even the Clique series if we must...:)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Gordan Korman Rocks!!!

I know Gordan Korman has reached so many of you young readers in numerous ways with his various series books. Which are your favorites? Did you know he has a new series out? What do you think of it? Did you enjoy his visit to Talawanda? Which do you relate to? Which do you prefer and why? Which were you surprised that you didn't like? Give me some feedback!

What's the deal with the Twilight series?

There seems to be some misconception that these are girl books. Let me tell you I have just as many guys testing on them as girls. But what is the attraction to them? What makes S. Meyers such an amazing author? I'm interested in your feedback.